Access up-to-date coverage for more than 235 million members in the CAQH Member Data Portal
Improve payment integrity, optimize operations and pay claims correctly the first time.
Members included in the CAQH Member Data solution with coverage information
Of national health plans contribute member data to the CAQH Member Data solution
Of all insured lives in the U.S. are included in the CAQH Member Data solution
Payment Integrity
Every year, health plans lose hundreds of millions of dollars due to erroneous payments and ineffective recovery programs. CAQH is helping government and commercial payers exchange accurate and up-to-date coverage data and overcome this challenge.

Medicaid Solutions
CAQH Member Data Solutions help Medicaid programs streamline eligibility and redetermination, improve enrollee services, automate operations and lower costs.
Estimate your return on investment
Prospective, accurate, and timely coordination of benefits (COB) data is the first line of defense to a comprehensive payment integrity strategy. By leveraging a registry of coverage information that’s updated weekly for more than 235M members, health plans on average report a ten-to-one ROI from recovered and avoided claims payments.
Custom Data Solutions
Work with our team to improve forecasting, streamline administrative processes, and enhance your payment integrity program.