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Primary Source Verification Protects Patients

What is primary source verification of a healthcare provider? Why is it important?

Primary source verification (PSV) is the process by which a health plan or hospital checks an individual provider’s reported credentials and qualifications. This crucial step not only protects the provider but also the hospital, health plan and—more importantly—the patient.

Primary source verification of healthcare providers is required for confirming that an individual possesses a valid license, certification, or registration to practice medicine. Primary sources include medical school diplomas; specialty training or residency certificates; licenses to practice; registration with a medical or dental council; or any other credential required by law, regulation, or hospital policy.

Verifying credentials from the primary source is not a simple matter and can be difficult and time consuming. Healthcare organizations can outsource primary source verification for provider credentialing to a Credentials Verification Organization (CVO) to streamline and automate the credentialing processes. CVOs are certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Using a CVO to verify provider credentials means providers can see patients and get reimbursed sooner and reduces noncompliance, inaccuracy, and liability.

Verify primary source information accurately and efficiently

Primary Source Verification by CAQH is the healthcare industry’s leading PSV solution for healthcare organizations, returning 95 percent of initial provider files in 11 to 14 days, with 98.5 percent accuracy and completeness. Learn more.